Rapid Fabrication / Prototyping

Required Readings (videos for these and others found below)

Mueller, S., Im, S., Gurevich, S., Teibrich, A., Pfisterer, L., Guimbretière, F., & Baudisch, P. (2014, October). WirePrint: 3D printed previews for fast prototyping. In Proceedings of the 27th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology (pp. 273-280). ACM.

Interactive design space exploration and optimization for CAD models (ACM SIGGRAPH 2017) Adriana Schulz, Jie Xu, Bo Zhu, Changxi Zheng, Eitan Grinspun, and Wojciech Matusik.

Videos to flip through

Much of the work here is by Stefanie Mueller, Patrick Baudisch and others. I didn’t want to assign too many papers by the same group, but these videos are worth browsing! There are some other authors represented here too.



Coarse to fine fabrication of large objects:

TrussFab: making even larger objects

Patching physical objects:



On-the-fly printing while modeling:

What you sculpt is what you get:

Accommodating measurement error (no video)

Jeeeun Kim, Anhong Guo, Tom Yeh, Scott E Hudson, & Jennifer Mankoff. Understanding Uncertainty in Measurement and Accommodating its Impact in 3D Modeling and Printing, In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS’17), Edinburgh, UK PDF


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