COVID-19 Risk Negotation

During the COVID-19 pandemic, risk negotiation became an important precursor to in-person contact. For young adults, social planning generally occurs through computer-mediated communication. Given the importance of social connectedness for mental health and academic engagement, we sought to understand how young adults plan in-person meetups over computer-mediated communication in the context of the pandemic. We present a qualitative study that explores young adults’ risk negotiation during the COVID-19 pandemic, a period of conflicting public health guidance. Inspired by cultural probe studies, we invited participants to express their preferred precautions for one week as they planned in-person meetups. We interviewed and surveyed participants about their experiences. Through qualitative analysis, we identify strategies for risk negotiation, social complexities that impede risk negotiation, and emotional consequences of risk negotiation. Our findings have implications for AI-mediated support for risk negotiation and assertive communication more generally. We explore tensions between risks and potential benefits of such systems.

Margaret E. MorrisJennifer BrownPaula S. NuriusSavanna Yee, Jennifer MankoffSunny Consolvo:
“I Just Wanted to Triple Check… They were all Vaccinated”: Supporting Risk Negotiation in the Context of COVID-19.ACM Trans. Comput. Hum. Interact. 30(4): 60:1-60:31 (2023)

Race, Disability and Accessibility Technology

Working at the Intersection of Race, Disability, and Accessibility

This paper asks how research in accessibility can do a better job of including all disabled person, rather than separating disability from a person’s race and ethnicity. Most of the accessibility research that was published in the past does not mention race, or treats it as a simple label rather than asking how it impacts disability experiences. This eliminates whole areas of need and vital perspectives from the work we do.

We present a series of case studies exploring positive examples of work that looks more deeply at this intersection and reflect on teaching at the intersection of race, disability, and technology. This paper highlights the value of considering how constructs of race and disability work alongside each other within accessibility research studies, designs of socio-technical systems, and education. Our analysis provides recommendations towards establishing this research direction.

Christina N. HarringtonAashaka DesaiAaleyah LewisSanika MoharanaAnne Spencer Ross, Jennifer Mankoff: Working at the Intersection of Race, Disability and Accessibility. ASSETS 2023: 26:1-26:18 (pdf)