Improving mobile keyboard typing speed increases in value as more tasks move to a mobile setting. Autocorrect is a powerful way to reduce the time it takes to manually fix typing errors, which results in typing speed increase. However, recent user studies of autocorrect uncovered an unexplored side-effect: participants’ aversion to typing errors despite autocorrect. We present the first computational model of typing on keyboards with autocorrect, which enables precise study of expert typists’ aversion to typing errors on such keyboards. Unlike empirical typing studies that last days, our model evaluates the effects of typists’ aversion to typing errors for any autocorrect accuracy in seconds. We show that typists’ aversion to typing errors adds a self-imposed limit on upper bound typing speeds, which decreases the value of highly accurate autocorrect. Our findings motivate future designs of keyboards with autocorrect that reduce typists’ aversion to typing errors to increase typing speeds.
The Limits of Expert Text Entry Speed on Mobile Keyboards with Autocorrect Nikola Banovic, Ticha Sethapakdi, Yasasvi Hari, Anind K. Dey, Jennifer Mankoff. Mobile HCI 2019.
An example mobile device with a soft keyboard: A) text entry area, which in our study contained study progress, the current phrase to transcribe, and an area for transcribed characters, B) automatically suggested words, and C) a miniQWERTY soft keyboard with autocorrect.
Our model estimated expected mean typing speeds (lines) for different levels of typing error rate aversion (e) compared to mean empirical typing speed with automatic correction and suggestion (bar plot) in WPM across Accuracy. Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals.Median empirical error rates across Accuracy in session 3 with automated correction and suggestion. Error bars represent minimum and maximum error rate values, and dots represent outliers
Quantifying Aversion to Costly Typing Errors in Expert Mobile Text Entry
Text entry is an increasingly important activity for mobile device users. As a result, increasing text entry speed of expert typists is an important design goal for physical and soft keyboards. Mathematical models that predict text entry speed can help with keyboard design and optimization. Making typing errors when entering text is inevitable. However, current models do not consider how typists themselves reduce the risk of making typing errors (and lower error frequency) by typing more slowly. We demonstrate that users respond to costly typing errors by reducing their typing speed to minimize typing errors. We present a model that estimates the effects of risk aversion to errors on typing speed. We estimate the magnitude of this speed change, and show that disregarding the adjustments to typing speed that expert typists use to reduce typing errors leads to overly optimistic estimates of maximum errorless expert typing speeds.
Nikola Banovic, Varun Rao, Abinaya Saravanan, Anind K. Dey, and Jennifer Mankoff. 2017. Quantifying Aversion to Costly Typing Errors in Expert Mobile Text Entry. (To appear) In Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’17). ACM, New York, NY, USA.