EarBuddy gestures

Gesture design of EarBuddy.

Gesture design of EarBuddy. First image shows
side view of a female face, with seven area highlighted: the temple, the cheek, the mandible angle, the mastoid, and the top/middle/bottom of the ear rim. All the seven area can support single and double tap.
Second image shows side view of a female face, with four area highlighted: cheek, ear rim, mandible base, and ramus. All the four area can support simple slide gesture. All of them support top-to-bottom and bottom-to-up gestures. Cheek also support front-to-back and back-to-front gestures.
Third image shows side view of a female face, with cheek area having three complex gesture: single-finger lasso, two-finger spread, and two-finger pinch.

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