Julia Schwarz builds software that leverages probabilistic modeling, signal processing, and machine learning to improve user interfaces.
She received a BS from University of Washington, and a PhD from Carnegie Mellon University, advised by Jennifer Mankoff and Scott Hudson. Here thesis was titled: “Monte Carlo Methods for Managing Uncertain User Interfaces”
While at Carnegie Mellon she co-founded Qeexo, where she led the team that developed FingerSense, currently shipping on over 300 million Huawei devices.
In 2015 she moved back home to work on the HoloLens team at Microsoft. At Microsoft, she brings instinctual interactions to HoloLens 2, allowing users to directly interact with holograms using their hands.
For more information, please see her résumé and website.
You can find her on GitHub, Twitter, StackOverflow, and LinkedIn.