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Welcome to the Make4All Group. We create general solutions that empower people with disabilities to accomplish their goals, including programming, physical computing, sports, and more. Our group applies technologies such as 3D printing, knitting and other fabrication technologies to improving inclusion in and accessibility of our digital future.

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  • CSUN Trip Notes
    Just got back from my second time attending CSUN. More and more it’s becoming a place I see as home. It has its foibles, but overall it’s a place where I am able to connect with the larger disability community, see great presentations, find other likeminded accessibility researchers, view up and coming technology, and learn … Continue reading CSUN Trip Notes
  • What is the future of accessibility?
    I have been asked to present a talk about the future of accessibility. But I feel obliged to talk about the future we face if this dismantling of our rights succeeds. Because we know what that world will look like — we have only to look to the past.
  • Accessibility has always needed to be part of DEIA, and we shouldn’t change that now
    Disability and other identities are intrinsically linked together…. It is critical to recognize that, in the words of Audrey Lorde, “We do not live single issue lives” and commit to cross-disability and cross-movement solidarity.
  • Devva Kasnitz 1950-2025
    This post is to share that Devva Kasntiz passed on Jan 26 2025 with the accessibility community. There is further information about her passing and impact written by her close friend and collaborator Susan Fitzmaurice with many thoughtful responses from the larger disability community. She was a transformative figure in disability studies and accessible technologies, … Continue reading Devva Kasnitz 1950-2025