Although industrial knitting machines can automatically produce a wide range of garments, they are programmed through onerous means such as pixel level image manipulation. This limits the potential for automation of knitted object design, re-use of object components, and narrows the audience able to design for these machines. Our contribution is a visual design interface for specifying objects in terms of tubes and sheets and a compiler that can convert such an object into knittable machine instructions which handle knotty issues such as transfer planning (among needles) correctly. We demonstrate the range of objects our approach supports by example.
A Compiler for 3D Machine Knitting (SIGGRAPH 2016) Jim McCann, Lea Albaugh,
Vidya Narayanan, April Grow, Wojciech Matusik, Jennifer Mankoff, Jessica Hodgins
Are there plans to release the compiler or software?
I believe so. Best place to look: