Speechreading is the art of using visual and contextual cues in the environment to support listening. Often used by d/Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (d/DHH) individuals, it highlights nuances of rich communication. However, lived experiences of speechreaders are underdocumented in the literature, and the impact of online environment and interaction of captioning with speechreading has not been explored. To bridge these gaps, we conducted a three-part study consisting of formative interviews, design probes and design sessions with 12 d/DHH individuals who speechread.
![A picture of two mock heads showing how color and position can be used to visualize phonemes around the head. A green circle at bottom left shows the wh phoneme in the left image. A yellow blob at the top right shows the f phoneme.](https://i0.wp.com/make4all.org/wp-content/uploads/Screen-Shot-2023-03-26-at-8.09.50-PM-e1682010908182.png?resize=581%2C290&ssl=1)