[An Indian male] wearing a brown hat and a gray hoodie, with the hood up, and a pair of sunglasses hooked onto the neck of the hoodie. Behind the boy is a large lake with a snow capped mountain and forest scenery. The boy is smiling at the camera, which is taken in a selfie style.

Varun Narayanswamy

[An Indian male] wearing a gray hoodie, sitting in a striped multicolor chair. In his arms are two kittens, both orange and white, the one on the left pressing its face into his arm while the other looks to the side. The boy is looking down at the cat on the right.

Varun Narayanswamy is a student in the Master’s from Human Computer Interaction and Design (MHCI+D). His research interests include HCI, data visualization, frontend development, mobile development, and education technology.

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