CSUN Trip Notes

Just got back from my second time attending CSUN. More and more it’s becoming a place I see as home. It has its foibles, but overall it’s a place where I am able to connect with the larger disability community, see great presentations, find other likeminded accessibility researchers, view up and coming technology, and learn about so many things. Some highlights this week:

The first day’s highlight was the accessibility researcher’s lunch. I tried to include everyone I knew but I discovered at least two more people who were in town after it was over — the number of accessibility researchers seems to keep growing at CSUN. I hope we can make that lunch an annual event (and maybe hold it in a less noisy venue: Due to my tendency for vocal injury I was grateful to be sitting next to two friends who use ASL and were willing to deal with my imperfect knowledge of the language).

I got up early the next day to see the AI for WCAG presentation put on by TestParty. They have a great pitch, first of all, so I took avid notes on the presentation itself. But I also found the description of a 2023 Harvard study on how AI impacts knowledge workers to be an interesting take on AI. According the Michael, Half the users divided the work (“Centaurs”) and the other half integrated the AI (“Cyborgs”). Cyborg’s prompted 4-6 x more on average, and benefited more from using AI. He then compared the improvement to the steam engine and power (18-22% improvements) and argued that AI users were causing 17%-40% gains. After talking about some uses of AI for WCAG, he discussed some examples of what AI had found in TestParty’s tests, such as cases hidden in 100k lines of code, and argued that human-in-the-loop AI use was incredibly powerful for accessibility, especially at the source code level.

One thing CSUN does not do well at is providing spaces that are friendly to those of us with chronic illness, sensory overload, and other things that would benefit from a quiet room. For that reason, I chose to stay in the CSUN hotel this year instead of with a friend. I spent most afternoons resting or sleeping in my room, so this story picks up the next morning, when after having breakfast with a close friend I attended Lainey Feingold’s talk on the legal context in the US today (“Digital Accessibility Legal Update: U.S.”).

Again, I took notes on the talk as much as the content. I was particularly impressed by the care with which everyone who contributed to the talk in any domain from tech support to images was credited. Feingold reassured us that even if disability is no longer a bipartisan issue, regulations can’t be changed with a memo and private lawsuits can help to challenge actions. In fact, she argued that disability and civil rights lawyers are currently winning in the courts. Feingold also reminded us that global laws are much less at risk.Many of her points can also be found on Feingold’s blog. I especially appreciated her comments on not complying in advance, a theme in her article on how states are pushing back on anti-DEIA executive orders. and her article on joy as an approach to justice, and the importance of celebrating victories.

The rest of the conference was the usual: presentations of my own on Open Source Accessibility, and Accessible Diagrams, meeting with old friends and getting to know new ones, new ideas about technologies to use in my research, and continued efforts to rest as much as possible. One of the best parts of CSUN for an academic is the inherent interest in translation. For example, our group was approached by folks who work on WCAG, ARIA and similar standards about potential implications of our work. I returned home with new ideas, connections, and excitement for our field.

Here are some links that may be of value

What is the future of accessibility?

I have been asked to present a talk about accessibility for the upcoming USC Future of Computing symposium, which is is framed as a vision of the next 25 years. I am struggling mightily with this task, at this moment in time.

The talk I started with

On the one hand, I see the future of the field in the wonderful work that is being led by the current generation of amazing accessibility researchers, many of them disabled and activist in addition to being scientists. The WordCloud below highlights some of the prominent topics found in their recent (2023 and 2024) publications, which include “intersectionality”, “gai”, “representation”, “fabrication”, “diy”, “justice”, and “community” among others.

Wordcloud showing prominently bvi, intersectionality, gai, accessibility, fabrication, dhh, experiences, robots, design, representation, diy, neurodivergent, and about 70 other words
Wordcloud of paper titles [and my coding of the same] from 2023 and 2024 by prominent accessibility authors.

I had a paragraph here that named all of the amazing folks whose work I drew from in creating that word cloud. And then I thought better of it because I have read about the attacks that academics now face for something as benign as improving student learning by starting with those most marginalized. Even without names, though, I can talk about the trend toward justice-centered, intersectional work that is increasingly changing who is represented in our research. I can emphasize the importance of DIY and self determination and highlight the expertise and advances driven by the lived experience of researchers who advance technology they themselves use. And I can praise the passion and advocacy that so many folks bring to their work, whatever disability communities they work with. This community is helping to redefine what accessibility research means, who it serves, and how it serves us while also advancing our ability to utilize the newest technologies, from generative AI to robotics to consumer-grade fabrication. The future they are inventing will not only benefit people with disabilities, it will create a more compassionate, flexible, and accommodating world for all of us.

The talk I need to give

How can I talk only about the glowing future above, when I am watching the dismantling of the rights our community has fought so hard for, at least in the United States? I feel obliged to talk about the future we face if this dismantling succeeds. Because we know what that world looks like — we have only to look to the past.

On February 10, 2025, the US Department of Education canceled research contracts with Spotsylvania County Public Schools as well as school districts across the Commonwealth and nation. We received notification at 10:19 p.m. on February 10, 2025, to immediately cancel anything supported by the Charting My Path for Future Success Project funding. The SCPS Charting My Path for Future Success Project provided instruction and support for our high school students with disabilities to help prepare for the transition from high school. The cancellation of this program impacts 91 SCPS students and five full-time instructors who were funded by the

These risks don’t just come from one place. Some are driven by states, some by the federal government, all are fed by individual prejudice, ignorance, and the pressure to prioritize progress over access. However, there is one thing that policy, prejudice, and pressure cannot control, and that is whether or not we stand strong as one united community fighting these changes. By making Texas v. Becerra about trans rights, the state attorneys general are trying to force people to choose who counts as disabled, and fight only for some disabled people. By bombarding us with horrors from the terrified immigrants deported to Panama to the forceful and multifaceted state by state and federal attacks on trans rights, government seeks not only to divide but also to overwhelm us.

But these attacks cannot stop us from fighting, and many many people are already doing so. The disability community is lucky to have many organizations with civil rights expertise like the American Association of Persons with Disabilities, Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, New Disabled South already active and informed and informing us about actions against things like Texas v. Becerra. Action also looks like organizing meetings among your community, making all of your classes as accessible as possible to all students even if they have no accommodations, going to bat for a disabled student within your university, or simply letting someone know you are there for them. In the words of my friend, colleague and role model:

Amy J. Ko @amyko.phd Build something. A group, a community, a resistance, a support, a plan, a vision. Anything, for any problem. And if you don't have the energy, rest up, so you can join later. If you can't rest, pace yourself. We need you well, to stay in the fight. Peace will come later, because we'll fight for it.
  1. M. Kent. Disability and elearning: Opportunities and barriers. Disability Studies Quarterly, 35(1), 2015. ↩︎
  2. This stigma plays out both when generative AI is used to screen resumes and with human employers (Ameri, M., Schur, L., Adya, M., Bentley, F. S., McKay, P., & Kruse, D. (2018). The disability employment puzzle: A field experiment on employer hiring behavior. ILR Review, 71(2), 329-364). ↩︎

Accessibility has always needed to be part of DEIA, and we shouldn’t change that now

Disability and other identities are intrinsically linked together, and the disability community has long called for DEI to include disability. Anyone can become disabled at any time, and identity can impact access to, and likelihood of, various diagnoses. Unfortunately, disability is often used as a bogeyman, or a way of gatekeeping access. For example, some states have regulations that “create barriers to gender affirming care for autistic people and people with mental health disabilities” (Autism Self Advocacy Network, 3/22/23). Conversely, there are efforts to limit accessibility to only include some disabled people. For example, a key argument of an ongoing court cases attacking section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Texas v. Becerra) is that gender dysphoria cannot be validly included under the definition of disability (Mother Jones, 10/15/24). And although the disability community has always included people of color, trans and LGBTQ people, it has not always fully welcomed them.

To unpack this, it helps to understand what “counts” as disability. Disability is defined quite broadly in relevant federal laws (Section 504 and the ADA), as anything that “substantially limits a person’s ability to perform major life activities,” has a “record of such impairment, or is “regarded as having such an impairment.1” However, ableism, bias and politics may influence access to this status. For example, many organizations require diagnosis to provide accommodations, and this process can exclude people more likely to encounter medical ableism2, lower income groups,3 or those who lack access to information about their disability rights4. An alternative (which I use in my work) is to trust disabled people to know whether and how they are disabled. This includes trans people, who may have gender dysphoria that is disabling.

Now there is a federal campaign against Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA)5 . This includes accessibility: The White House has stopped including sign language interpretation in press briefings and videos (National Association of the Deaf, 1/31/25) and taken away interpretation services from federal employees (The Daily Moth). It also includes DEI. An Office of Personnel Management (OPM) memo issued 2/5/25 argued against not only affirmative action, but also any “training or professional development.” The memo includes, for example, ERGs that promote “employee retention agendas.” The National Science Foundation (NSF) wrote to PIs that “All NSF grantees must [cease] all non-compliant activities… that [use] DEIA principles and frameworks.”

All NSF grantees must comply with these Executive Orders, and any other relevant Executive Orders issued, by ceasing all non-compliant grant and award activities. Executive Orders are posted at https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/. In particular, this may include, but is not limited to conferences, trainings, workshops, considerations for staffing and participant selection, and any other grant activity that uses or promotes the use of DEIA principles and frameworks or violates Federal anti-discrimination laws. Please...

Yet this campaign is also trying to divide us. On the one hand, the campaign is aggressive to the point of being nonsensical. One recent example is the recent document purge at the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), which includes documents that simply use words such as “diverse” no matter the context. A case in point is the recently deleted “OSHA Best Practices for Protecting EMS Responders During Treatment and Transport of Victims of Hazardous Substance Releases,”6 which mentions the “diverse conditions under which EMS responders could work.” This rollback in the name of DEIA is not only unrelated to DEIA, it puts workers at further risk of becoming disabled.

On the other hand, that same Feb 5th OPM memo retains some disability related protections, stating “agencies should not terminate or prohibit accessibility or disability-related accommodations, assistance, or other programs that are required by [law].” While this final statement is reassuring regarding basic access rights, it is also critical to recognize that, in the words of Audrey Lorde, “We do not live single issue lives.” This is behind a key principle of disability justice (Sins Invalid), which demands that “no body or mind can be left behind” and is committed to cross-disability and cross-movement solidarity.

I have had to navigate programs in which I was the only woman, and only disabled person that I knew, for much of my early career. I want to emphasize how valuable and essential such programs are. Had I not been invited to attend the very first symposium on women and computing in the 90s, which featured many amazing women in STEM as speakers, I would not be a researcher today — my mentors in college assumed that I would go to med school, without ever asking me. Yet the US government is removing any evidence of such role models from its halls and websites.7 It was with the help of disabled mentors as a new faculty member that I began to evolve and grow my disability identity. In my sign language learning, I have only been exposed to signs that describe my queer identity in queer-led spaces.

Despite recent events, it continues to be illegal both to violate laws that provide for disability accommodation, and to discriminate based on “race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.”8 To my mind, obeying the law means actively working not to discriminate, including learning about and trying to rectify unfair advantages where I observe them. The narrow definition of accessibility in the recent OPM memo only protects one thing (accommodations) for one group (disabled people). We must not comply “in advance,” but instead continue working together toward a fair and just world for all affected communities.

Photo credit: Disabled And Here

  1. This later statement also means that if a person is effectively using assistive technology for accommodation, they still qualify as disabled even if they can now perform relevant activities (since they have a “record” of impairment). ↩︎
  2. Janz, Heidi L. “Ableism: the undiagnosed malady afflicting medicine.” CMAJ 191.17 (2019): E478-E479.
    APA ↩︎
  3. N. J. Evans, E. M. Broido, K. R. Brown, and A. K. Wilke. Disability in Higher Education: A social justice approach. John Wiley & Sons, 2017. ↩︎
  4. J. Banks. Barriers and supports to postsecondary transition: Case studies of African American students with disabilities. Remedial and Special Education, 35(1):28–39, 2014. ↩︎
  5. AAPD has written a great explainer of the campaign and how it impacts disabled people. https://www.aapd.com/explaining-deia-recent-actions/ ↩︎
  6. Best Practices for Protecting EMS Responders during Treatment and Transport of Victims of Hazardous Substance Releases, Occupational Safety and Health Administration U.S. Department of Labor, OSHA 3370-11, 2009, available via the Wayback Machine (https://web.archive.org/web/20241128074409/https://www.osha.gov/sites/default/files/publications/OSHA3370-protecting-EMS-respondersSM.pdf). ↩︎
  7. The Women in STEM blog is working to rectify this: https://womeninstemus.blogspot.com/2025/02/us-women-in-stem-manifesto.html ↩︎
  8. Civil Rights Act (1964) https://www.archives.gov/milestone-documents/civil-rights-act ↩︎

Devva Kasnitz 1950-2025

This post is to share that Devva Kasntiz passed on Jan 26 2025 with the accessibility community. There is further information about her passing and impact written by her close friend and collaborator Susan Fitzmaurice with many thoughtful responses from the larger disability community.

She was a transformative figure in disability studies and accessible technologies, pioneering work that bridges academia, advocacy, and innovation. Her interdisciplinary approach has shaped how we understand disability as a cultural, social, and political phenomenon, as recognized by her recent 10 year impact award for ASSETS. Through her leadership and scholarship, she has championed the development of accessible technologies that empower individuals with disabilities, amplifying their voices and dismantling barriers. She has shaped an entire generation of new technologists who are empowered to prioritize disability studies, disability justice, and related concepts in their work. For example, we have heard accounts from computing scholars who did not know what disability studies was, or how to frame it to accessibility and computing audiences until reading her transformative publications. The impacts go beyond the practical, additionally offering hope to scholars with disabilities and those wishing to draw on disability perspectives from the humanities, that there is a place for themselves and their work in computing fields. Kasnitz’s impact is profound and enduring, fostering a legacy of inclusion and equity in both theory and practice.

Jennifer Mankoff, Director, CREATE & Richard E. Ladner Professor, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington

Gillian Hayes, Chancellor’s Professor, Kleist Professor of Informatics, University of California, Irvine

Cynthia Bennett, Senior Research Scientist, Google Research

When Accessibility and Learning Are Given Equal Weight

Last year, I wrote about my efforts to design an accessibility course that centers disabled voices. This fall was the first offering of that course at the undergraduate level. Every decision we made about the course was made with accessibility as the most important priority, on equal footing with the goal of educating students.

The result was an absolute joy to teach, and in the process, we refined our emphasis on competency-based grading and the importance of intersectionality in disability-based work. The course also has a service learning component — we take suggestion and requests from the broader community for websites and apps that they want assessed for accessibility concerns, and the students learn about how to use common accessibility technologies and automated tools to test for accessibility violations, and how to communicate those back.

The final projects that the students developed deeply reflect the impact of these teaching decisions. They pushed the boundaries of what is typically published in the field of accessibility to include topics such as content warnings (project 1 and project 2) and food restrictions. Other projects dove deeply into high expertise concerns such as scientific alt text and matplotlib accessibility. And projects demonstrated deep consideration of intersectionality, such as Complexion Cupid, an accessible solution for foundation colormatching for people with a variety of skin colors; and PadMap, an accessible map for finding menstrual products.

The quotes below are from students who were asked to describe how the class embodies one or more of the ten principles of disability justice that we studied, during week two of the quarter.

Inclusive Language and Content

Throughout the class, we worked to emphasize that disability is something that can be present in any identity group and that we should consider the disability experience in all the same places and spaces that it exists, as well as the unique concepts that disability culture brings to those experiences.

  • “by recognizing and acknowledging the diverse experiences of the participants, [the class] creates an inclusive environment that respects and values various aspects of identity, such as race, class, sexuality, age, and more.”
  • “Often, people and curriculums unintentionally forget to do this. The way they describe situations and the systems around us sometimes makes it seem like they aren’t addressing the wholeness of people with disabilities (again unintentionally). The way sentences are phrased makes it seem like they’re ‘different.’ But this class does a really good job of making sure we’re using the right terminology and viewing the world from the perspective of everyone.

Competency-based Grading

The class grade is primarily based on four competencies each, in three categories: disability justice, accessibility compliance assessment, and creation of accessible documents and media. The course syllabus describes this in more depth, but in brief, competency-based grading separates out how you learn a skill from whether you know it. Many of these competencies are assessed repeatedly. It doesn’t matter whether students get them wrong at first, as long as they eventually learn them.

  • “The grading system is designed around sustainability and anti-capitalistic principles. [it] allows students to pace their learning and create a deeper sense of understanding and mastery. […] It removes the urgency of understanding accessibility right on the first attempt, and instead teaches us that we are all slowly moving towards a shared goal. It provides a space for collaboration over competition where students learn from each others’ success.”
  • “competency-based grading […] rewards students based on their ability to be able to learn and apply the content and skills taught in the class instead of rewarding students based on ‘normative’ levels of productivity. I feel that competency-based grading also promotes the principle of sustainability, as it prioritizes someone’s ability to learn a skill throughout the entirety of the class, and not just immediately after it is taught.”
  • “Typical grading techniques focus on a person’s ability to produce a certain quantity of work of a certain quality in a certain amount of time, and evaluate this productivity. Curve-based grading encourages competition. […] In contrast, in this class, we have multiple chances to demonstrate competency (placing less of an emphasis on productivity) and grading is not competitive.”

Discuss, summarize, and post

In-class discussions are designed to include remote and asynchronous learners. This is done through a share, pair, and post method: All discussions are summarized by a student involved and posted to the class discussion board at the end of the pair time. All students, even those who can not attend a class in person or synchronously, are expected to post as well.

  • “[Interdependence] is emphasized a lot in class because we are all expected to participate in discussions and share ideas with one another. Since everyone has different backgrounds and perspectives, group discussion makes up a big part of what we learn in this class. We are, in a way, responsible for each other’s learning. Respect is also very important, as we are able to work better when we feel comfortable sharing our ideas. Everyone has the responsibility of creating a respectful environment for group discussions. We are often able to learn better from firsthand experiences as they tell us specific details that could be missed by others. Students have a wide variety of experiences that can be beneficial for learning new perspectives. If we skip class without a good reason, we could deprive someone else of a valuable learning opportunity.”

Online access to lectures

Lectures are recorded and made available to students asynchronously. As mentioned, students still are asked to participate in discussions through posting; additionally, asynchronous remote students are asked to summarize a reading to help ensure engagement in the material.

  • “[the class] addresses collective liberation [through the] ability to participate online, providing students an opportunity to structure their work and participation in a flexible way.”
  • “Recognizing wholeness is a big part of the class, it’s also like a theme for the course, we respect all kinds of circumstances, and we choose to understand. Such as […] options to attend the class. It makes everyone feel welcomed and included.”
  • “This class has different ways to attend and participate, such as attending synchronously in person or virtually and doing make-up work asynchronously. I think having these options helps students to pace themselves and to learn collectively for the long term. As it allows students to catch up in case they can’t make it to class, this component creates flexibility as well.”

Flexible Due Dates & Regrades

We allow students up to two days of “late turn in” with no penalty on every assignment and also allow unlimited regrades for the competencies.

  • “Sustainability is present in several formats such as the given late days [2 for every single assignment] and other things which prioritize our mental health and ability to continue.”
  • “collective liberation has to do with ‘a vision that leaves no bodymind behind.’ By integrating free late days into every assignment, students who are late in submitting assignments can still proceed along with the rest of the group. No one, including those with and those without disabilities, gets left behind.”
  • “With the flexible late-submission policy, students facing diverse challenges that interfere with timely submissions are still given the opportunity to turn in their work. This ensures that all students, regardless of disability status, are not disadvantaged by rigid deadlines, which highlights the principle that you should leave no one behind.”

Everything accessible by default

The class is designed, if at all possible, to be “accessible by default” meaning that anyone, whether they have accommodations or not, will find that their needs are met. Some examples of what we did are mentioned in the quotes below.

  • “There are lots of accommodations in this class in order to make sure that everyone in the class is moving along together. By allowing for remote participation, students who are unable to attend in-person classes due to their own circumstances will still be able to participate and learn from the class. This class also provides closed captioning, which helps students with hearing impairments, students whose first language is not English and may need more help understanding the lecture, students with attention deficit disorders, and many more.”
  • “In class, our slides always have alt text for images and we also went over how to present in a more accessible way. The fact that this class even addresses these things shows that the class is trying to come from the perspective of people who are impacted negatively by the systems around us”
  • “There are many opportunities for students to share with the staff any access needs they may need to get the most out of this class. Additionally, there are accessibility tools and methods that are used in class every day, like captioning, recording, and visual descriptions when needed.”
  • “[…] by handing out masks at the beginning of the class, in order to protect those around us who are more vulnerable to falling ill, we’re ensuring collective access.”

A guide to short-term leaves (in U.S. Universities)

One of the many things we don’t talk about much in academia is the variety of short-term leaves available, when to use them, and how to navigate them. Short-term leaves serve a variety of purposes and yet many of us know little about them or feel as though some of them are more prestigious, and therefore more valuable or acceptable, than others. This is especially problematic because most require some degree of negotiation to set up, and the specific experience may be heavily influenced by who runs your unit. In reality, they are all important and valuable for different reasons, and you have a right to make use of them. To help, I want to share the types of leaves I’ve had and what value they’ve added for me.

A few notes: All of my experiences are in the U.S. context only.There are some variations across institutions (and states within the U.S.) that I will not get into; also I have not tried every leave there is (although I have tried many). However, although the specific unit in charge of approving a leave may vary, as may the paperwork, all leaves share a need to talk things over with a variety of stakeholders, and to control service commitments.

Personal Leaves | Parental Leaves | Sabbatical | Industry

Personal Leaves: FMLA / Disability

The first type of leave is a personal leave, typically for medical reasons. These can be useful if you have a serious health condition, or in the case of FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) if a family member has a serious health condition, to bond with a new child, and in a few other situations. Figuring out which to use is a bit confusing, but one way to think about it is that FMLA protects your job (you can take up to 12 weeks of FMLA leave in any 12-month period) but may not include pay, depending on your university. Short term disability pays a fraction of your salary and lasts 3-6 months. The U.S. Chamber of commerce has a web page that compares them.

I used short term disability leave during the most difficult period of my time with Lyme Disease . This may only kick in after your FMLA is used up, and can also be half time. Note that long-term disability leave is a very different beast — unlike any of the other leaves mentioned here, once you start long-term disability leave, you cannot return to work without approval. To avoid this, I took a 50% short term disability leave and my department covered the other 50% of my salary.

I have struggled to use FMLA (outside of childbirth) and in fact failed to invoke it at least twice when (in retrospect) I should have. I have used it once. In order to use it, I had to get a doctor’s note (about my child’s situation) and talk with my department chair about what percentage leave I would take and what releases I would get. It was very important to talk this over with my department chair, in addition to formal channels (HR), especially since HR still hasn’t properly processed my leave. I was approved to stop almost all service and to receive a teaching leave during the term I took FMLA, and scheduled myself for (approximately) 50% work time that term. My department covered the other 50% of my salary as they would have if I were teaching.

One of the things I immediately noticed about personal leaves was that being on this type of leave required constant self-advocacy and decision making about what, and how much and to whom, to disclose. I often had the sense, because I was working part time, that people assumed it was fine to continue expecting me to be fully present. In fact, most people I encountered, both internal to my institution and external, had no idea I was on leave until I told them. Vacation messages only helped a little since they don’t repeat that often. It felt a little like managing an invisible chronic illness (which I do every day) because I had to choose how many details to disclose about my family situation.

Taking FMLA also very clearly highlighted how releasing myself from work often required me to personally ask others to take that work on. Whenever you take a leave, it is likely that some of your teaching and committee work will simply be canceled. However, in other cases, colleagues will need to pick up that work, often colleagues in your area of expertise, which may be a very small group of people. Although your department should try to protect you from this, you may be asked to negotiate some of that work with these individuals yourself, possibly spending social capital in the process. The social pressure can be very high when others make you feel you are burdening them, making it harder to stand your ground. This is especially true when you are still working part time, making your responsibilities more ambiguous. Despite that, taking FMLA was absolutely worth it — no one takes FMLA without a good reason, given the internal and social barriers to taking it. The time I regained to use for care and rehabilitation of my family member was precious.

One final note: I’ve been told to take a leave, when I did not need or want it, on multiple occasions due to my disability. Although both people who told me this were well meaning, their words were extremely harmful. In the first case, the person talking to me strongly implied that I would not get tenure if I did not go on leave. I reacted by asking my department to put me up for tenure a year early, and highlighting my disability identity (and implied rights) in conversations relating to my tenure case. In the second case, I was already a full professor and was able to simply insist on my right to an interpreter (what I had asked for in the first place). In both cases, these comments were ableist, institutional pressure for disabled people to go away rather costing the institution time and money.

Parental Leaves: Arrival of a new child

My husband and I have twice taken child-related leaves. In both cases when we added a new child to our family, we both took leaves. One of these leaves was unpaid (my husband did not qualify for one in his first job, but took a leave when we switched universities around the time our youngest turned 8 months old) but the others were all through progressive policies at two different universities that promised both parents a leave for an entire academic term. This is still not a given at all universities today, but it was very important for both of us and our commitment to faculty life to get it. In universities where it is not officially supported, there may be informal ways to get this, which may not be well publicized, so ask someone who recently had a baby, or a mentor, for help.

Although it should seem as though a sanctioned university policy that is frequently used by parents would be fairly straightforward, even this leave required navigating complexities. First, different department chairs treated it very differently, with one begrudgingly asking how my teaching would be covered if I left and another generously inquiring about my pregnancy and waving off teaching as an issue the department would figure out. Next, with these leaves comes the question of stopping one’s tenure clock. I did, and I would recommend others do as well, I don’t think anyone is hurt by it and making it commonplace removes pressure. That said, it is worth talking over with a mentor, and when I stopped my clock a second time for my second child + a move across the country only to end up at a place with an extended tenure clock, I ended up undoing that choice later. Finally, while it is important to treat all parents equitably in this leave process, it is also important to understand that these leaves are not the same for all people. For example, a parent who is nursing 8 hours a day may have a very different productivity level while on leave than a parent who has a partner or other support at home full time, helping with the new child, during their leave.

That said, the social capital costs of this leave are probably lowest of any I’ve taken. I’ve been lucky to be generally surrounded by folks who exuded happiness to help and joy for my coming new addition. I wish all leaves were approached with the same generosity.


In contrast to FMLA, sabbatical is a type of leave that is far more familiar to most academics. I’ve taken two since I started faculty work, a “travel-battical” involving world travel with a five and seven year old and the other a “stay-battical”. I’ve already written extensively about my travel-battical, and wrote very little about my stay-battical. What I haven’t written about, however, is how sabbaticals come about.

I can speak most directly to the university experience. It is fairly common to allow for one approximately every 7 years. However, this is not guaranteed to happen — typically you need to apply, sometimes it is “only when negotiated” and if you don’t pay attention, you can easily end up pushing it off because of a move to a new university, administrative duties, or lack of time to prepare a good case. In addition, lots of faculty want to take them, so there is a sort of turn taking that happens within departments/areas. I’ve also found that both required a lot of negotiation to achieve my goals — in one case, I had to navigate significant university politics, in the other I discovered important rules too late. More specifically, most universities do not pay your full salary during sabbatical, so some faculty work at a different institution, or apply for a Fulbright or other grant, during their sabbatical. I found out that one such opportunity fell through after I had filled out university paperwork that affected my ability to flexibly respond to the missed opportunity.

That said, once you are approved for a sabbatical, most people respect it with a similar generosity of spirit to parental leaves. You still have to protect your boundaries — I strongly recommend saying no to all or most service during sabbatical, or if you must take something on, make it something unusual that you can only do because of the sabbatical.


Industry leaves are different from both sabbaticals and personal leaves. The rules around them vary more from university to university than any other leave I’ve made use of. In addition, even within a university, industry leaves can look very different. For example, different universities may limit the percentage leave you can take, or the number of terms you can be on leave. Most also allow you to work overtime for industry (“consult” one day a week). My only experience with an industry leave was a 50/50 split.

At my university at the time, an industry leave of 50% or more resulted in a teaching leave that term, which would otherwise have cost me 75% of my salary for the same term (paid from grant/gift money). Instead, my department covered 50% of my salary that term, and the company I was working for paid 50%. That said, it was not any easier than teaching — if anything harder, since I had not been an hourly employee reporting each hour worked in a long time. However, overall, my industry leave was, like my sabbaticals, easily understood by anyone I mentioned it to. I did not feel like I need to disclose anything to ask for release or time away to do what I needed to do.

In conclusion, I hope that you consider taking leaves when you need them (but not when you are pressured into them). Wherever you are, it is probably a good idea to ask mentors about the type of leave that you taking, as there will likely be institutional rules and personalities you should be aware of. Finally, disclosure about leaves may be very personal, and you shouldn’t have to explain yourself (but may at times feel pressure to).

Accessibility Course: Centering Disabled Voices

Over the last six months, I led a team of students* in (re) designing an accessibility course focused on bringing together disability studies, disability justice, and advanced technologies and settings for accessibility technologies.

The course focused on three categories of learning goals: (1) Creating Accessible Media and Documents (2) Assessing and Addressing Accessibility Compliance in Apps and Websites and (3) Disability Awareness and Justice

It also was designed to itself center disability justice through its structure, by providing the following without requiring official accommodations: hybrid engagement options; competency based learning with unlimited revision allowed; and project deadlines with built in flexibility.

Throughout the class, we also tried to center themes and readings that did not just reflect or default to majority experiences of disability; and two assignments provided opportunities for direct service to the disability community.

Finally, the course explicitly included both traditional accessibility knowledge such as GUI and App focused accessibility work; and opportunities to explore newer settings for access work both from a technological perspective (such as VR/AR and Fabrication) and from a contextual perspective (such as accessibility and sustainability/disaster response and accessibility in the context of carceral (in)justice).

The class had four homework assignments and a final project, along with a number of in-class exercises. They included a disability justice analysis of a current events topic; finding and presenting first person accounts of accessibility technology; creating a website or app based accessibility evaluation (with the option to do this for a specific nonprofit hoping to improve the accessibility of their website or app) and creating a plain language summary highlighting some of the accessibility concerns and existing available accessibility solutions of a technology such as educational games; ar/vr; or information visualization tools.

As mentioned, this is the second iteration of this course. During the first one (which also included working on contributions to an open source screen reader), we learned that we needed to scale back the implementation requirements in the first half of the course and focus on learning best practices and practical skills; while increasing the length of time and depth of the final project. We still wanted to have some service featured in the course design, and the website or app accessibility evaluations served that role extremely well. In addition, the addition of disability justice analysis, along with discussions of topics like disability dongles, helped us to provide a better structure to students’ understanding of what we were looking for in their final projects. A learning from our second offering is to provide much more structure around plain language writing, which is very difficult to do properly, especially for longer articles. While there is still some iteration to be done, students reported taking lessons from the course back into their workplace, and engaged deeply with concepts such as disability advocacy and the importance of centering disabled voices.

The final projects were as varied as the students in the course, from browser extensions to contributions to the cache structure of an open source screen reader, Odilia. Here are some other examples of what students built:

Multiple projects focused on the accessibility of documents and other creative artifacts such as markdown, code tours and visualizations. These looked at a variety of issues from color contrast to header structure, proper labeling, and screen reader access. A special category I want to highlight in this group of projects is plain language. The Plain Language Checker highlights where plain language rules may be violated if you paste text into it; while Jargon(e) annotates jargon in documents based on community created dictionaries that provide definitions.

A couple of projects focused more on physical world settings. SafeRide is an accessible app that uses Apple Watch’s nonspeech audio recognition to alert a bicyclist about environmental sounds of interest, such as another cyclist ringing a bell. A project that bridges both documentation and physical world interaction focuses on tactile schematic production for people who are blind or low vision, based on the documentation at tactileschematics.com. The project provides a tutorial and code for extending Fritzing to support tactile schematic

For better or for worse, I have made the decision in my accessibility courses to neither guarantee nor require that students work directly with individuals who are disabled in their projects. While I think it is incredibly important to ensure that project ideas are driven by real needs, I teach accessibility often enough, and to enough people, that it would not be sustainable to ask the disability community to support these student learners at the scale that would be necessary. To balance this, I have put a lot of thought into how to ensure that these projects center disabled needs and preferences. That is why we teach and require disability justice, and how to seek out first person accounts through blogs, vlogs, and in research papers in multiple assignments before the final project; and require that these are carried through into the final project.

In the end, four of these projects ended up having disabled customers; one other was based directly on careful work co-led by a disabled person and a researcher; and others were based on more remote information. In addition, as mentioned earlier, multiple students contributed to web and/or app assessments that were shared back to nonprofits associated with CREATE (one with a disability mission; one with a goal of increasing access for disabled people among their constituents).

The first two offerings of this course were taught in our professional masters program, which has mature students already in the workforce who can directly see the value of the content we are teaching. My next iteration will be for undergraduate computer science majors. I hope that students at all levels will benefit from this overall structure but I am sure it will evolve to meet the needs of each group in new ways.

*Thanks to the evolving cast of students who helped with this course including Dhruv Jain; Aashaka Desai; Ather Sharif; Venkatesh Potluri; Orson Xu and Kelly Mack.

Bodily Autonomy, Surveillance, and Access

Agency and control. Two words that have become the center of every accessibility class I teach. Autonomy, and technologies that support them are at the heart of the work that I do.

But let me back up, re-enter my body, and own this moment. I am sitting on my couch crying. It has finally hit — one more hit in the ongoing series of outrages. Yesterday’s Supreme Court ruling is takes away agency and control, personal autonomy, and puts it in the hands of the government. As a disabled person, my fight is often about who should decide things. The insurance company that has refused to pay for treatment I or a loved one needs, determining that it is “unnecessary”, overriding both patient and doctor. A medical board that defines my condition and the treatment for it in terms that cause many doctors to deny me care. A university representative who tells me that I cannot have an accessibility need met, or that meeting it will jeopardize my career and expose me to the anger of my tenured colleagues. A professional organization that determines (over my objections) that including me in an important professional peer review opportunity in an accessible fashion would harm the outcomes of that process.

None of these examples are about abortion, but in all of these cases, I was interacting with individuals who told me their hands were tied because even if they supported my requests to decide for myself what was right for me and my loved ones, they simply could not do what I asked because the decision was out of their hands. I’m not describing something new here, these are just examples of structural barriers to access. And so I fight. I take on my professional organization and work to change it. I push my way up the administration hoping someone will take my side. I fight the insurance company, the state healthcare authority, and anyone else who stands in my way. I travel to a different state and doctor for treatment, or pay for treatment out of pocket since I am lucky enough to be able to afford that.

Having to fight such battles can risk our safety, may upset people (or organizations) who have power over us, and may require breaking rules and laws that restrict our autonomy. And this brings us to the possibility of surveillance, which may be used in enforcement. Apps, and devices, have increasingly become part of life, and necessary for healthcare management and accessibility, both critical for disabled people.

For example, and here I shift into a more speculative space informed by those around me, I might use a Fitbit to monitor my heart rate. Or, although I am a lipreader, I might increasingly use captioning not only because of more online meetings, but even in person, because of masking’s impact on lipreading. I might use Internet enabled hearing aids that have access to my audio environment. I might depend on a smart speaker as an accessibility solution.

What happens to the data that all of these devices collect? The FitBit could discover that I am pregnant. Changes in vocal fatigue during pregnancy means voice recordings may be able to be used to detect pregnancy (not to mention that search queries might reveal my condition). It is possible that captions could be used for surveillance too. As others have pointed out, privacy has eroded. For example, it is common to see data collected on one platform impact experiences on another. If any of this information is disclosed to the state, it could be used against me if I need, or get, an abortion. This puts my personal autonomy over my body in direct conflict with my body’s accessibility needs.

There are many reasons that the supreme court ruling overturning Roe Vs Wade is concerning for people with disabilities, as highlighted in this coalition letter by AAPD, ASAN, awnnetwork, Be A Hero, Bazelon Center, DREDF, CAP, Little Lobbyists, and Women Enabled International. The sad truth is that for people with disabilities, and many other marginalized groups, yesterday’s ruling will not stop abortions from happening. But it will force people to make impossible tradeoffs between safety, access and autonomy.

Reflections on Deafhood and A11yhood

During my sabbatical, one of my goals has been to start learning ASL. As I mentioned in a prior post, this effort was briefly accelerated by the loss of my voice in November, but I have continued to take ASL classes well past that experience and am now a student in ASL 103. In addition to the language, these classes have introduced aspects of d/Deaf culture I was not previously aware of. One concept in particular, Deafhood, and its parallels to modern disability justice and culture, really resonates with me.

Deafhood is a reaction to the historical trauma and oppression of d/Deaf people and community that became particularly acute during the mid to late 1800s when Oralism began to forcibly replace sign language education around the world, something that would continue for about a century (Ladd, 2003; Murray & Greenwald, 2010). Hereditary deafness combined with acceptance, culture, and language, unimpeded, had the potential to nurture strong, integrated, and positive communities such as found in Martha’s Vineyard (Groce, 1985). Yet the Oralist movement tore this apart.

In this same time period, the “science” of eugenics came to the fore in America, fed both by prejudice and advances in scientific understanding, led by scientists such as Mendel and Darwin (Nielsen, 2012). These beliefs were used as a basis for excluding immigrants (and fed into racial bias and stereotyping) (Nielsen, 2012), including d/Deaf immigrants, but their impact on Americans with disabilities was even more profound. Forced sterilization, institutionalization, experimentation and murder became “acceptable” practices imposed on people with disabilities (Nielsen, 2012; Sheffer, 2018).

For d/Deaf people and communities, a twist of fate may have provided some protection from the worst of the eugenics movement: Alexander Graham Bell, whose mother and wife were deaf, was an influential participant in the eugenics movement. Although an advocate for Oralism and eugenics both, perhaps because of his personal relationships, he argued against “negative” eugenics (meaning forced sterilization, institutionalization and worse) for d/Deaf people, and instead developed a policy centered on “positive” eugenics — breaking the genetic line, so to speak, by discouraging intermarriage (Greenwald, 2009). Although he may have provided some protection, Deafness was certainly still mentioned in forced sterilization laws across the country, and eugenics of any sort, combined with Oralism, extremely harmful to d/Deaf people and community.

Intellectual capability, and the ability to support oneself financially, were both reasons given for the eugenics movement — essentially that people with disabilities were somehow harming society/non-disabled people by being less intelligent, and independent, than their counterparts (all false assumptions). Ironically, d/Deaf people in Martha’s Vineyard had above average income (Groce, 1985, p. 50), something Oralism (with its negative impacts on education), and lack of community, could only hurt.  Although Oralism was no longer the only option by the time Paddy Ladd began his 2003 ethnography, “Understanding deaf culture”, the legacy of this history of colonization and oppression remains today. Further, one might argue that it is now codified in the medicalization of “treatment” for deafness, i.e. the focus of medical professionals counseling families with deaf children to use cochlear implants, a technology literally designed to improve the effectiveness of oralism, over ASL (Kite, 2020). 

Ladd’s ethnography, in which he coins the term Deafhood, is a theory of culture grounded in the Deaf experiences of identity, language, and society. Ladd, and by extension Ladd’s definition of Deafhood, recognizes that identity is a process. As described in the definition on deafhood.org, “Deafhood as a journey that a Deaf person undertakes to discover his, her or their identity and purpose in life.” This journey is not an isolated, individual experience but rather a reframing, and recreation of a rich, linguistic, humanistic culture which is also engaged in a radical act of self definition. 

I see many parallels between Deafhood and other cultures that have arisen from the ashes of erasure and oppression. As the comedian Hannah Gadsby remarks in her show Nanette, in describing her experience of oppression as a child, 

When you soak a child in shame, they cannot develop the neurological pathways that carry thought… you know, carry thoughts of self-worth. They can’t do that. Self-hatred is only ever a seed planted from outside in. But when you do that to a child, it becomes a weed so thick, and it grows so fast, the child doesn’t know any different. It becomes… as natural as gravity.”

Similarly, questions about self worth are deeply influenced by our cultural and individual historical treatment of disability, particularly in Western culture during the industrial revolution and beyond. Disability is not only a minority identity that through eugenics and other means was hidden and erased, but even worse, disability was the justification for erasing, enslaving, and institutionalizing people from many other minoritized identities (Nielsen, 2012). Even the Deaf community tried to distance it from disability due to disability’s stigma (Nielsen, 2012, p. 136). The legacy of these attitudes and policies remains today, with the prison population, for example, having a much higher rate of disability than average, and disability feeding into the school to prison pipeline (Mahon-Reynolds & Parker, 2016). 

Although it lacks a literal common language, or a name, I would argue that similar to Deafhood, there is a movement toward a disability cultural identity connected to the disability justice movement, what I chose to call A11yhood in the title to this post. As Neil Marcus writes in his poem, “Disabled Country”, “If there was a country called disabled / I would be from there / … / In my life’s journey / I am making myself / At home in my country” This journey is based in shared experience, as highlighted in the movie Crip Camp. It is also political in nature — one might argue that modern disability culture is rooted in activism, which began at least as early as 1935 (Nielsen, 2012, p. 133) and continues today.  The rise of the independent living movement created cultural centers for people with disabilities in many cities, further strengthening this change. Today, disability culture plays out on social media, with strong voices such as Alice Wong (Wong, 2020) and Imani Barbarin, as well as collectives such as Sins Invalid (Berne, 2018) leading the way. 

Similar to Deafhood, I have observed the journey implicit in a modern disability justice identity in my own journey into acceptance and power as a disabled woman; and in the transformation a disability identity has provided to the multiple people I have offered it to as an explanatory frame for their disability experience. I have seen the power of this, particularly in settings that integrate community and support, as well as activism and advocacy. Each of us must learn about our identity, and purpose, and power, as disabled people. We must learn the vocabulary of community, of oppression and of activism. We must learn A11yhood.


Ladd, P. (2003). Understanding deaf culture. In Understanding Deaf Culture. Multilingual Matters.

Murray, J. J., & Greenwald, B. H. (2010) How the Past Informs the Present: Intersections of Deaf History with Deaf Studies. Deaf Studies Today! (Volume 4)

Nielsen, K. E. (2012). A disability history of the United States (Vol. 2). Beacon Press.

Sheffer, E. (2018). Asperger’s children: The origins of autism in Nazi Vienna. WW Norton & Company.

Greenwald, B. H. (2009). The real “toll” of AG Bell: Lessons about eugenics. Sign Language Studies, 9(3), 258-265.

Groce, N. E. (1985). Everyone here spoke sign language: Hereditary deafness on Martha’s Vineyard. Harvard University Press.

Kite, B. J. (2020). How the medical professionals impact ASL and English families’ language planning policy. Psychology in the Schools, 57(3), 402-417.

Mahon-Reynolds, C., & Parker, L. (2016). The overrepresentation of students of color with learning disabilities. DisCrit—Disability studies and critical race theory in education, 145.

Nicole Newnham and James LeBrecht. Prod. (2020) Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution. Dir. by Good Gravy Films and Higher Ground Productions,. 108 mins. (https://cripcamp.com)

Wong, A. (Ed.). (2020). Disability visibility: First-person stories from the twenty-first century. Vintage.

Berne, P., Morales, A. L., Langstaff, D., & Invalid, S. (2018). Ten principles of disability justice. WSQ: Women’s Studies Quarterly, 46(1), 227-230.

CHI Trip Report: Comparing Remote, Hybrid and In Person

I was one of those who asked for CHI to be fully remote. I intended to attend remotely. Due to my disability travel is difficult and attending the entire conference would not have been worth the cost physically. Additionally, I face higher personal and family risk with COVID; and caregiving responsibilities at home.

However, when I received the Social Impact award, I decided it was important to attend in person to make the most of the opportunity this represented to talk about social impact. I decided to avoid indoor meals if possible and limit overall exposure; did not attend any evening parties; attended most of the conference remotely even when I was in New Orleans and tried to socialize outside when possible (it was too warm some of the time).

I truly embraced the hybrid model for CHI as a result (and am very grateful to the organizers for working hard to make both virtual and in-person attendance possible). I spent Tuesday and Wednesday morning in person; the awards dinner in person; and everything else online, including some synchronous programming Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning and many hours watching talks asynchronously on Thursday and Friday. So far, I am still negative, but given recent events I attribute that as much to luck as my choices about what to attend.

It’s worth noting that others have already written excellent articles on this topic, including Michael Correll’s very thoughtful much more holistic commentary on the future of academic conferences; and Amy Ko’s detailed experiential trip report from CHI 2021, I encourage you to check those out as well if interested in this topic.


I attended two workshops. Both were at their heart about inclusion, and both worked hard to explore inclusion from multiple perspectives. One was focused on disability, the other on making. My main take away is the breadth of both of these communities and gratitude for my chance to get to know about researchers who I wasn’t aware of in both. I think workshops are particularly critical to networking in the era of remote participation because of the ways in which they bring people together with shared interests. Slack supported networking at both.

At the hybrid workshop we found ourselves in a “lunch break” with no virtual equivalent, we explicitly had a conversation about networking and what people were hoping to achieve. The sharing in this conversation was vulnerable and moving and highlighted how important it is to consciously make space for networking time when remote.

Virtual Only Events

My longest synchronous virtual-only segments were Wednesday after about 10:30am and all day Thursday. I attended from my hotel room. The town hall worked great virtually, as did the social justice event I attended, but being in person just before them highlighted how “dry” such events are in terms of interpersonal connection. I also struggle with remote question asking because it is so hard to change the contents of a question between when you ask it and it is read aloud (context can change in the interim).

One of the least dry/favorite events I attended was on data and design, where the session started out with an interactive multi-step Miro board activity. This is a screenshot showing a gestalt view of the thoughtful planning that went into this (names occluded for privacy). Over the course of an hour we worked our way through a combination of activities on this Miro board and breakout rooms.

A picture of a miro board. There is too much to visually process at detail, but it's clear that there are at least 3 sections to this, each with multiple activities within (reflected in multiple colored areas with labeled circles for putting badges into and responding within.
The Miro Board from the Data and Design SIG on Tuesday Morning

One unique aspect of having traveled to New Orleans was the “physicality” of the virtual experience. In one extreme example, I accidentally left my phone in the NOLA sun by mistake when attending a session from my hotel’s roof deck, and my network connection went down due to the phone overheating! I could not reconnect until I wet it down and blew on it. It didn’t affect much as I just increased the speed of the livestream until I caught up. Overall, though, being in my hotel room, ordering local food, having the chance to connect with a friend 1:1 in between things, and having the time to center the conference, all made the experience much better than any prior virtual experience.

I also spent many hours on what I might term “asynchronous virtual events” on Thursday and Friday. I watched live sessions (such as award talks) that I had missed, and watched, coded and wrote up all of the relevant talks that I had missed during the week (such as Monday when I was traveling, or during parallel sessions). Whenever I watched a talk that I had a question about, I made an effort to email the first and last author with my question and a compliment, just as I might have approached them after the session. I am still answering emails about this three days later, and have even been offered collaboration opportunities. This effort has been significant, and included a sort of qualitative coding to do my trip report. I don’t usually take the time to synthesize a conference like this, and at CHI’s current size in terms of the variety of papers I could select from, I found it an incredibly relevant and fruitful experience.

Hybrid Events

My first hybrid session (I was in person) was an interesting opportunity to see some of the unique challenges to hybrid sessions, from a missing session chair (turns out they were virtual) to no presenter (the talk is recorded after all) to unclear understanding of the backup plan if delay becomes an issue. I participated in a hybrid session remotely twice (including one of my workshops) and experienced some awkwardness in not knowing when I was expected/able to speak up as a virtual attendee.

Overall, though, I experienced something very similar to what others have said to me: being virtual, or hybrid, feels like a whole different conference than in person. You, and other remote people, are in your own social space even if you are looking at the same talks as in-person people.

Lesson Learned

I have several takeaways from this mix of experiences. Networking is better in person (no surprise) but I think that can be improved by going out of ones way to send emails and/or discord/slack messages to folks about their work (just as you might approach them on stage after a talk); and by creating synchronous and asynchronous opportunities to connect about goals and networking needs. Community building needs more attention, especially longitudinally. Visibility requires explicit attention for remote presenters. And Redundancy is critical to an accessible and reliable experience. Finally, Synthesis helped bring CHI together for me. I enjoyed most of CHI’s content remotely (see the other half of my trip report for more on that) — and more than any recent virtual experience: the trip was a lesson in the value of truly creating space for conferencing, even when remote.


Networking is one of the aspects of in-person conferencing that translates worst to virtual. However, my experiences this week showed me that with a concrete plan in place, it is possible to do much better even in virtual/hybrid settings. I also learned from how diverse networking needs are and that I definitely am glad I asked what folks were looking for.

I think asking about networking needs more often, and earlier, could better guide networking planning. Much more structure for this is needed than in person (though one might argue that even in person structure helps folks who are more marginalized within the community). For example, my best virtual networking experience last year was at an event that was clearly labeled in terms of purpose, and thus drew people who could support that purpose and/or sought it. It is possible to create small intimate gatherings even online, and we should try to find more opportunities to do so.

I also found myself regretting not planning ahead more. Several of us were in Seattle during one of my workshops — we could have made the effort to all be in the same room. I hope we can experiment more with such models for the next (small) conference I attend virtually. I think smaller conferences (workshops may be too small to have much co-location?) are the easier place to start with such efforts.

A word of advice to students: It really helps to have a web page of your own that describes your interests and highlights the most relevant work you do. One advantage of virtual networking is that I could google everyone I came in contact with to find common interests. Yet many of the people I googled only had a linked in page. You can use off the shelf blogging platforms for free to make a website and still have a nice look and feel (I use WordPress for my group, for example, and some of my students use their page on my site, while others have their own websites).

Building Lasting Communities.

I am by no means an expert on community building (for that, see Kraut & Resnick) However, one thing that occurs to me is that we can be more strategic about building virtual networks that last, and we especially need to do that in this era. For example, there is already a slack for the maker community in HCI++. Why not have a fabrication-related workshop invite people into a channel in that space rather than an entirely new slack that is likely to be shut down or die off shortly after the conference ends? I have the same thoughts about the CHI 22 specific discord. Are we doing these things to gatekeep access, and what do we gain (and lose) from those choices? How can we better ensure that people know about, and build on, existing virtual communities?


An important loss for remote presenters in particular is the visibility of giving a talk to a bunch of like minded folks and then engaging with them right afterwords. I’m not sure how to solve all of that, but I think small things help, like making sure that your face is visible throughout your recorded talk. I gained a lot from taking the time to send an email to a student or their advisor when I saw a talk I loved, this feedback is missing for many online presenters, and also resulted in conversations that were valuable to me.

Relatedly, I think that recorded talks create new opportunities for visibility (what Michael Correll calls history). I would love to see more of this freedom of access. For example, it would be interesting to consider a new model that allows more people to participate in workshops than submit position papers — more like a SIG model — so more people can benefit from the networking opportunity of even just knowing about each other. I understand that submitting something is an important way of showing interest, and I think this requires more thought, but I believe there are ways to work through these challenges (for example who presents versus who attends).


When technology failed, having redundant forms of access was really helpful. Discord & Hubb complemented each other; as did Zoom and Youtube. This was a prescient choice by the organizers as it was needed multiple times over. It also contributes to overall accessibility.

One area of redundancy that I only partly engaged with was timing. Being able to attend things asynchronously is part of this, but I had the advantage of always being in a time zone that worked for synchronous participation if I wanted / was healthy enough for it. I would love to see more of the multiple touchpoints that CHI introduced in 2021 in the future, to add networking redundancy to the existing emphasis on content redundancy.


CHI is a firehose, and it’s easy to be overwhelmed. Even more so when working from home and just “sampling” parts of CHI now and then. By traveling and/or canceling other activities (I did both), I was able to get much more out of the conference. Watching things I had missed, and synthesizing what I learned, really helped me to take lasting value from the non-networking aspects of it. It also helped with networking, as I connected with people by email, and even introduced my students to authors (by email) and content (by sending students links of interest).

Final Thoughts

In the end, was it worth attending in person? I absolutely benefited from the time away and the networking opportunities. Depending on whether I test positive, the scales may tip the other way, though. Even if I do not get COVID, my body has required 2 full days of rest after the travel home to be semi-functional today (3 days after my flight). This is a cost I can afford to bear on a sabbatical year, but it becomes increasingly less appealing as my career matures.

Regardless, my belief that CHI should not have been in person stands firm. My opposition to an in-person CHI was never about my personal gain, it was about equity for all of the people who would like to attend, and the risk to attendees. Both of those continue to be concerns. Particularly so if we move away from innovations that convey the benefits of in-person conferencing for remote attendees. I fear that the extra effort necessary to create an equitable experience online, due to current state of our technology and knowledge about how to effectively support remote networking, will suppress innovation in this space when it already takes so much out of those organizing events.

My best hope is that the experience of attending in person can be of value in guiding us toward a better future. I believe that the future must include virtual only events that center community and connection. I also see room for innovation. I’ll end with some questions and ideas rather than answers. Answers will only come with time.

What if every journal paper was released with the same 8 minute videos as CHI talks? Could we organize safe regional in-person networking events that coincide with conferences? Could we form a truly active discord community that featured topical office hours and networking events similar to the equity talks the EC organized in structure, advertising, and participation? How could SIGCHI benefit from and foster community around speaker series such as the Future of Work conversations and the Web Series on Computational Fabrication? Could the SIGCHI EC financially sponsor young faculty invested in and in need of innovation in this space, to do experiments this year in ways that would meaningfully create space for them to organize and try out satellite and networking events? Will the CHI SC commit now to adding a virtual conference to their sequence, as an experiment if not as a promised ongoing event?