
[Post Docs & Visitors | PhD students | Undergrads and Interns | Alumni]

Post Docs and Visitors

PhD Students


Current Interns

Graduated PhD Students, Post Docs & Visitors

Other Alumni

Marty McGuire (Masters)

Masters Project, CMU VLIS, Stepgreen Social Website 2007-08

Taylor Raack (Masters)

Masters Project, CMU VLIS, Stepgreen NILM support 2011-12

Miriam Walker (Masters)

2003 MS Thesis “High-Fidelity or Low-fidelity, paper or computer? Choosing attributes when testing web prototypes,” UC Berkeley, Masters Report, 2003

Lauren Chapman (Masters)

MS in Design, Spring 2011, co-advised with Suguru Ishizaki: “Design for Chronic Illness: Exploring service systems & new technologies for patients with type 2 diabetes.”

Catherine Grevet (Undergraduate)

Undergraduate Honors Thesis, 2009: “Motivating Community-Oriented Behavior through an Online Social visualization,” Wellesley College.

PhD student at Georgia Tech

Devin BLais (Undergraduate)

Undergraduate Honors Thesis, 2009: “Green Facebook Applications: A competitive Analysis,” Carnegie Mellon University.

Ana Ramirez (Masters)

2005 MS Thesis “Designing systems that direct human action.” UC Berkeley, co-advised with Mark Davis, SIMS; NSF Fellowship

Scott Lederer (Masters)

MS, Fall 2003, co-advised with Anind Dey: “Designing disclosure: Interactive personal privacy at the dawn of ubiquitous computing.”

Holly Fait (Masters)

2003 MS Thesis “Simulation of user interaction experiences to improve evaluation for accessibility.”

Wai-Ling Ho-Ching (Masters)

MS, Fall 2003, co-advised with James Landy: “Can you see what I hear? The design and evaluation of a peripheral sound display for the deaf.”

Ruth Wylie (Undergraduate)

Undergraduate Honors Thesis, 2003 “The Effects of Computers on Cognitive Assessment,” UC Berkeley.

PhD at CMU; currently faculty at ASU (next position)